Sunday, January 20, 2008

saturday classes

some schools are having saturday classes to make up for the extended Chinese New Year break. presumably that's where this 14-yr-old girl in school uniform was heading. riding pillion, she was knocked down & sustained a serious head injury - a blood clot within the skull, called an extradural haematoma (white & lens-shaped on the right of the brain scan above).

without surgery she will succumb with severe brain damage. for some fortuitous reason, the family decided to send her straight to a private hospital about 45 mins away by road, instead of the local district hospital. a brain scan was done to confirm the diagnosis & surgery commenced within the hour to evacuate the clot. she is now recovering well in the ICU.

not many students have the luxury of being driven to school by their parents or drivers. i myself went by the omnipresent bas sekolah. do these fortunate ones ever pause for a moment to appreciate the good hand that Fate has dealt them?

i pray for those whose daily journey to school are affected by the harsh weather & are fraught with danger while on the road.

may the Good Lord watch over them always. amen.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the girl is recovering well in the ICU.

How have you been?! It has been such a long time since I last talked to you online.


Anyway, you remind me of the doctors in Grey's Anatomy! Haha!

doc said...

hey kyels,

the girl is now out of ICU & in the general ward. i'm so happy for her.

yeah, i haven't been online much since my laptop gave way. i miss those days when i could surf online & watch TV at the same time.

i wonder which doctor i remind you of??

Anonymous said...


And in response to your comment: Not the drunk one who fell asleep in the OT I hope. (first season I think).

doc said...


i must have missed that episode.

in all likelihood, i would be alex - obnoxious & repulsive, but without the syphilis!

Yan said...

Hi, doc,

Thanks for the prayers of protection! Incidentally, my two children walk back home after school. It's a 0.6km walk.

I have been called "cruel mother" by many. Some not so sensible ones have even expressed their sympathies to my daughter :(

Chris has just followed his sister's footsteps. His classmate who stays just next door walks with him after knowing that Chris walks. Chris said his classmate is paid 50 ringgit every month for walking back home by his mother!

Thanks God that the girl is recovering.

doc said...


0.6km is not that far & i personally don't think it's that cruel to make the kids walk that distance. hope they will still be careful not to get too near the road & to cross wisely.

James TC Wong said...

Warm greetings from Miri, Doc! Hope you will enjoy the carrot cake when your wife cooks it. It's v. simple - anyone can do it! Cheers! James Wong

doc said...


i should have quite a few people to visit if i'm ever in sarawak.

will let you know the outcome of the carrot cake in due time.