it was more an impulsive move rather than a well-thought out plan. when MAS offered some cheap flights in Oct last year (oil was about $100 per barrel), we couldn't believe that return tickets for Perth went for about RM1300 each, all in. having talked about vacationing in Australia for years but not doing anything about it, this was like an offer from Don Corleone.(the tickets have come down to under RM1k since)
after an uneventful flight, we touched down to a sweltering 35 degreesC, & this was supposed to be autumn already. my secondary school classs-mate CL picked us up at the airport & sent us to our apartment in Joondalup...
....a modern suburb about 25km north of Perth. after settling in, we went for a drive along the coast....
to the reknowned Hillary's Harbour, just in time to catch the sunset ....
...& for our 1st meal - a sea-food platter dinner....
a short visit to King's Park at nite was our last stop on the 1st day.
this is the city at nite as seen from the park & zooming in on the bright structure on the right, & hey, what do you know - they have their own version of the ferris wheel by Swan River....
the next morning, CL took us to a Car Rental & we decided on a Mitsubishi Lancer for $33 a day.....
now that we've got wheels, Perth is there for the taking. drove to Cottlesoe Beach where a local exhibition was on show.
some of the sculptures include giant polo mints....
extra long pencils....
...and an oversized scrabble set...
next post : swan river & the city