Tuesday, February 12, 2013

the dentist is IN

fathers want their kids to look up to them, esp sons. it's a sure ego-booster.

and, i'm no different.

my son looks to me to solve his maths problem, heal his body aches & talk football.

apparently, i'm also his dentist.

each time he has a loose tooth, he'd ask me to pull it out for him. i learned this from pulling my own teeth (after they had become loose) when i was young but he's just too scared to do it himself.

maybe i should start charging him a fee, now that he's flushed with ang-pow money.


wenn said...

haha..I saw a dentist this morning. RM320 gone to her pocket..

doc said...


must be CNY rates!!

hope you had a good CNY!

The thumb in every pie said...

Aha! A multi-tasking Doc. Next time I have a maths problem, I'll know who to call on....hopefully, no consultation fees will be charged :P

doc said...


sorry ROI, EBIDTA, PER are not up my avenue!!