Saturday, March 02, 2013

sound advice

you know who they send to make the sales pitch?

i was just browsing around a property launch today & this lady attended to me. she has a chest like mariah carey's, legs up to her neck, a most disarming smile, the personality of a TV show host AND a law degree to match.

i'm extremely glad i took A's advice & left the cheque book at home.


Yan said...

Do you buy that? :) But then, she could be professional, a real marketing person.

The thumb in every pie said...

I am sure they would have gladly accepted the Booking fee paid from your Titanium credit card AND offered to fly you over to UK to view the building site too. :)

doc said...


yes, she's a real professional marketeer & no, i left the cheque-
book at home.

doc said...


yes, they accept credit cards but the Resistance held out till the end.

i'd like to think i'd know if it was a good deal.