even when the 2 kids are 8 years apart, they have similar likes, eg. fast food & school holidays, as well as differences, eg. the elder girl wanted to watch evan almighty while the boy preferred ratatouille. since the timing for the latter was unsuitable last weekend, i took the girl to evan 1st, while promising the boy i'd take him to the "rat show" another time. the wife's not much of a movie buff.
well, today that time arrived. since i got off early from work, i offered to take him to the afternoon show. naturally he was thrilled. i could sense his anticipation as we took the bubble lift up to the cinema, got the tickets & i suspect his joy was complete with the box of popcorn.
truth be told, other than the rat chase scenes, i doubt if he really understood the movie (he's 5). for my part, i explained that anyone can be a cook, & even he can help mummy in the kitchen. (in the movie, chef gusteau did proclaim that anyone can be a cook but only the fearless can be great.)
i think he was just happy go out with his buddy.....er.....i meant, me. kids can be easy to please & a good animation movie (with popcorn) is a safe bet.
I'm always happy to be able to spend quality time with my dad.
When I was little, it was the movies.. these days we watch F1 together. ;)
Wow, it's nice of you to accompany your son to the movies. I think it means a lot to have his dad as his buddy.
how very nice! i look forward to the day when i can enjoy EPL, CSI, WWE &, of course F1, with the kids, too.
PS. how did you get up so early??
buddy today, tomorrow....who knows, maybe hero??
when they get to spend time with their daddy and daddy gives undivided attention...it means the world. enjoy them, doc. :)
i'm trying to do with what little time i have left after work & before they doze off.
Today my friends and I were just hanging around at the cineplex but Ratatouille isn't showing in Miri yet. Another friend claimed that he fell asleep watching that in KL.. I concluded it must be 'cos that was a midnight movie show.
animated movies may not be everyone's cup of tea. if your friend watched it around midnite, well, maybe he's run out of movies to watch.
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