Friday, August 17, 2007


a cell-group retreat should evoke feelings of solace & peace. a sense of proximity to the Maker. but i am experiencing more than that, like maybe a tad anxious & uncertain of myself.

that's because i've been entrusted with the dual responsibility of presenting the main message on sunday morning to about 25 adults, as well as leading the games/activities at night.

does "defying the law of physics" sound like appropriate inspiration for worship?

wish me well & God help me!


Jonzz said...

Don't be so stressed. Just do to the best of your abilities and leave the rest to God.

That's an unique inspiration 'defying the law of physics'. Why not? God is not confined by our earthly and natural laws.

All the best and God bless you!

Anonymous said...

A Zimbabwean proverb says:

"If you can walk
You can dance
If you can talk
You can sing."

I am sure both the sessions will be a breeze for you.. but since you asked.. I wish you well & God Bless. :)

sbanboy said...

Have a great retreat

By His grace alone bro .... you can do it.

Will keep you guys in prayer.

doc said...


thanks for your kind wishes.

that was exactly what i had in mind when i thought of the title - it's about how peter defied the law of physics by walking on water.

i think the message was well-received.

doc said...


isn't that also from "thank you for the music" by abba?

both sessions went well, & since you conveyed your kind wishes...thanks!

doc said...


thanks for the prayer.

it was a great retreat. by His grace & mercy , all went well.

watch out for the food pictures!