3rd year running - that's my (proud?) record for entering the oil palm estates & forest fringes for a bout of brotherly sacrifice. met up at church friday morning...
to load stuff into the 2 vehicles. after praying for guidance & journey mercy......
we started off at 8am & broke journey at segamat for breakfast...
then, it's off to our 1st stop just outside of rompin. the orang asli's (OAs) were already waiting at the community hall even as we arrived..
while others took their own sweet time...
all the kids got a dose of a dewormer & multivitamin syrup to take-away....
some appeared unsure of our presence...
....while others were openly protesting.....
the dentist fired up the portable gas stove ......
..to sterilise his instruments...
& the villagers know he meant business when they have their backs to the wall...
ah...a satisfied customer!!
at the end of the day, it's on to kuantan to unpack at our host MY's home. a short walk away was the same restaurant we have our dinner each time we're in
of course, it helped when MY is a regular customer, as we're assured of the goodstuff at fair prices...
...fresh fish, wild boar meat, roast pork, squid, towfu
& veggies...
no wonder the plates were polished off with impunity!! all for RM145 for 11pax.
the next day, we're off to the oil palm estates around pekan/tasik cini area.
the 4-wheel-drive sure came in handy.
this was where the abject poor live, staying in wooden shacks without electricity or piped water
it's no wonder malnourishment &......
skin ailments were common, but they looked contented
with their lot.
hmm...i wonder if their assemblyman/MP....
....are aware of their plight?? after all, there's no doubt where their loyalty lies...
a late lunch was served alfresco-style at the cafe de palma tropika...
thanks to MY who had cooked up a storm earlier in the morning..
all work & no play....well, you know the cliche. we rounded off the day with a boat ride in tasik cini....
& shoot some darts...
....bull's eye!!
worshipped with the locals on sunday morning....
then it's home after that. made a little detour highly recommended by a local...
this was on the road from rompin to muadzam shah. the reason was this - fresh ikan tapah, from the net...
to the table...
the udang galah...er...suffered the same fate...
CS Lewis once asked : is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?
there's no fire here but i think this comes close...
i'm already looking forward to next year. any takers??
Sounds really nice - to help around and provide them w/certain necessities.
Life is hard but always believe that you can overcome the trials and tribulations and meet victor at the end of everything. Optimism has to be there in order to succeed my dear.
thanks for the tip.
it's all nice & tingle-ly when you can return something back to the needy.
Freely you have received, freely give.
How about a trip to Sarawak into the interiors?
Not much people's recognition, but rewards from above have been promised in His Word, right?
And probably, plenty of fresh water fishes for the hungry?
That's some adventure, Doc. Those pics taken with your new camera?
we had planned to go over to K Kinabalu in Dec, but this fell through as we needed to consolidate on the work that we're currently doing instead of threading on unfamiliar territory.
if you know of any pastor keen to lead a baptist church in the peninsula, give me a shout. thks.
it was an adventure of faith, alright. yes, the photos were taken with the new camera.the squirrel was snapped eating while hanging from a tree trunk at full 10x zoom.
i read this post with a sense of humbleness at the way u all r doing 'worthy' stuff.
anything done for His glory will be worthy of praise.
This reminds me of James 2v17...keep up the good work!
I see you all are already receiving a good earthly reward in the form of good food!
Just me,
freely you have received, freely give.
next one can count me in?
out of hibernation at last, eh?
yes, will keep you informed of next year's mission (probably Oct) & hope it won't clash with your exams.
if i pass my exam this coming sitting...
hence my next year exam will be in next next year may...lol
pray for my passing!!! then wont clash~~ :D
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.(James 1:5)
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