he was created by a Higher Being.
he has boundless energy & his body can take all manner of physical insults - withstanding sub-zero temperatures of the arctic cold, the extreme G-forces of space travel, the ravages of the most lethal diseases & even escaping the clutches of some terrifying cancers.
yesterday, i met such a person.
no, he is not a cyborg born out by the imagination of the most fertile of Hollywood minds. he is as human as they get. he is my patient & he went through several harrowing minutes of extreme low blood pressure & subnormal oxygen supply to his brain & heart.
ordinarily, he would have suffered a stroke or a heart attack. or both.
but he emerged from his unconscious ordeal largely unscathed. all he asked when he woke up was : where's my wife?
i'm neither a magician nor a miracle-worker, but i witnessed something out of the ordinary. the amazing resilience of the human body. the ultimate mean machine.
suddenly, in the great scheme of things, & not for the 1st time, i felt very tiny.
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him? psalms 8:4
The irony is,how some constantly abuse and test this machine to it's limit.
David Blaine comes to mind. hasn't he heard of Harry Houdini?
hi Doc,
every single day I am amazed by this 'mean machine' that God has created.
every single day...
God is great and we are His creation. I guess he knows how to test us and how long we'd last, noh?
hi Alex,
and so should we all.
we will not be tested beyond our strength, & even then, a way out will be provided for us.
just need to trust Him.
God gives his people strength.
we must never take this 'mean' machine for granted. it is ours by grace
You are very small...
true, & yet we elect to abuse our bodies all the time.
True, & we still defile it by the food we consume & by the words we utter.
haven't you heard - size doesn't matter?
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