we all know about volvo cars - the swedish brand reknown for its (previously) boxy exterior & impeccable safety features. volvo is latin for "i roll", implying a circular movement or the rotation of wheels.

on opening the abdomen, the offending loop virtually popped out of the incision. the bowel distension was a result of trapped gas.

it could have been worse had there been an obstruction of blood supply to the affected bowel, causing gangrene, rupture & sepsis. a delay of one day would have resulted in a totally devastating outcome.
no one knows for sure why volvulus occurs & it's certainly nothing we can do to prevent it. it just happens & it's important to realise that persisitent abdominal pain requires immediate medical attention.
given the choice, i'd rather have volvo the car.
That abdomenal balloon is not a very nice sight..hehe :)
I like Volvo cars.
oh dear what a bloating sight..the gas no smell doc? glad she recovered :D
Huyoh...that's a giant loop! Poor lady must have suffered and felt heavy all these time!
P/s: As a consolation, she's got a beautifully well spaced spine though! :)
Mei Teng,
yes, it's not a pretty sight & i'd rather admire a volvo!
she did suffer immense pain for some time before coming to hospital. i doubt if she realised or apprciated that she had "beautiful well-spaced spine."
the gas was released via a small puncture & suctioned out, as seen on the left of the picture, so the OT was spared the foul odour.
that is really nasty... really really nasty...
how come it doesn't pop like a balloon?
it's something you only wished on your worst enemies.
it will, given time.
eeuuw!! That's a disturbing sight! But informative. :)
sometimes, it's better not know the truth, don't you think?
i hope she recovers soon . is this a new finding of sickness ? Usually when it's a stomach tumour then the stomach bloats - rite ?
she recovered completely & is out of hospital.
this is just an unusual case of intestinal obstruction, which is more often caused by a tumour.
At first sight, I thought that was a plastic model we see in the labs :)
this is as real as it gets!
EEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUWWWWWWWWWW, that just raises my hairs!
No slightest clue behind volvulus?
Dear Doc, may I inquire about the constant abdominal pain? It happens with a pattern, starting from mid month. It always begins first with constipation. After the constipation is dealt with, the pain just doubles and persists for a week. Am I a weak stomach suspect?
in this case, the volvulus just occured without obvious cause.
about your abd pain - it's a very brief description so i can't comment further except that since it follows a cycle, it's unlikely to be related to your stomach or bowel. it's best you consult a gynae who will be able to give you a proper examination, incl an ultrasound.
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