Wednesday, May 22, 2013

when "positive" is not positive news....

HIV positive...

HBsAg positive.....

TPHA positive......

RF positive....

ANA positive.......

CA 125 positive.....

AFP positive......

positively NOT positive news.....


Yan said...

It's positive! The pregnancy test says. There is one good positive.

fibrate said...

hehe but UPT positive can be a positive thing!

doc said...

Yan & Fibrate,

that seems to be the only positive news from clinics/hospitals.

The thumb in every pie said...

I used to look forward to HCG positive where 2 blue lines make for a happy yell and a big smiley face.

doc said...


the blue lines have been a harbinger of both good news & bad.

doc said...


the blue lines have been a harbinger of both good news & bad.