Thursday, July 04, 2013

life as an electric current

i was amused when my daughter sent me this sms recently....

the exchange went like this....

me: why?

she : because i take the path of least resistance.

me : AC or DC?

she : AC

me : why?

she : because i'm so indecisive.

i just love it when she talks physics with me......except that it's not her favourite subject.


TZ said...

me neither... Physic is not my favorite subject too. But when compare with Chemistry and Biology. Physic is the one that i like most ;-)

MiChi said...

Interesting! She knows how to apply what she learnt into daily life! Must share with my students...

Robinn T said...

I loathed at Physics on the dawn my physics teacher entered my class. I swear I could have loved the subject if I had the right teacher.

doc said...


i think physics is the one science subject that made the most sense, as it explains a lot of things in life.

doc said...


hopefully you can inspire your students to like the subject you're teaching.

doc said...


agreed - the teacher plays a vital role to motivate interest in the subject.

wenn said...

I still prefer Biology. Physics was difficult for me as it had lots of formula and calculations.

The thumb in every pie said...

I hardly like Physics. I like Biology bcoz I get to sketch all those beautiful pictures of cells and stuff. Ironically, Physics is the subject that I always score the highest in and the boys hate me for that. *evil laugh*

doc said...


physics is not for the faint-hearted! ha ha!

doc said...


Physics has always been regarded as a man's domain (can you name ONE female nobel prize winner for physics other than mdm curie?) so for you to trump the guys in class would certainly not go well with them. & yes, wipe that smirk off your face!!