Saturday, May 03, 2014

a sign of maturity

when i was a houseman many years ago, i could not make clinical decisions without consulting a senior colleague, eg. medical officer or consultant. as junior doctors, we were not expected to take such heavy responsibilities concerning the lives of patients.

as i gained more experience & read a lot more, i became more confident in the decision-making process by making correct calls & judgments. and when i made a wrong move, i knew how to do damage control and/or take corrective measures.

i call that a sign of maturity.

my daughter took a step towards that today....

she turned down a scholarship offer......but as concerned parents, we cheered her on....

because we have reassured her, unconditionally, that we will see her through her chosen field of study.


Reanaclaire said...

Wish her all the best in her own choice of study! Hope she will get the scholarship for her choice of course.. :)

doc said...


thanks. she's on father's scholarship now.


mun said...

Good to see that she has made her own decision. Wishing her all the best! Study hard but have fun during the journey too!

doc said...


thanks for your kind wish!