Conflicts at work are a norm. Everyone is wired differently, so they think differently over the same issue, and accordingly, act differently. Some problems resolve amicably while others simmer in the background, sometimes ready reignite.
Is there a feeling that is worse than being stabbed in the back? It's so cliche to state that a brave person will face the issue by taking the bull by the horns, and only a low-esteemed low-life coward will stick in the knife when no one's watching.
My colleague seemed to be such a person. Another colleague had attested to that. So sad...going away for meditation.....for spiritual faraway exotic retreats... came to nought.
A skilled pair of hands would do great wonders prompted by a honest mind and compassionate heart, and only a few can claim that honour. But for now, it's a relief to get the uneasiness off the chest. And the knife off the back.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
So cliche!
You are right that everyone thinks differently. Your frenemy may not consider his/her actions as stabbing you in the back.
the wound has healed but the scar remains.
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