Wednesday, August 08, 2007

tag : 8 random facts on 8/8

thanks, bengbeng the longkang guy, who tagged me yesterday & it's just purely coincidental that i'm free to fulfill my responsibility today. here goes....

#1 : chess was the only game i played well in school & i went on to represent the state. this....

....was the 1st of many to come.

#2 : i just love soya bean milk, an acquired taste from young. the wife makes fresh brew at least once a week...

.....& in between those days, i'll settle for the ...

packed drink.

#3 : i recently picked up doing sudoku puzzles.....

but i still have ABSOLUTELY no idea how to solve the ....

...#$&%@#! rubik's cube (& there's a whole family of them!!)

#4 : i love junk food & i always have a drawer-full.

i know it's bad for health yadda...yadda...but everything in moderation is OK, right??

#5 : i suck at art. i have no interest & zero talent. so, can you blame me for being outwardly pleased that this non-artistic gene skipped a generation when the boy showed some enthusiasm? he brought his colouring/drawing home today & proudly ....

.....stuck it on the fridge door.

#6: my cousins taught me to smoke (cigarettes, that is) during the long break after the 5th form exam. i stopped after i started coughing up yucky black (like tar) phlegm & i was nicotine-free by the time 6th form started.

#7 : after the 6th form exams, i got involved with church, where i met my 1st serious girl-friend. the relationship with her lasted 5 years - the relationship with God remains to this day.

& befitting #8 : when i was, i mean, much younger, i played football. the last competitive (albeit friendly) game i played was for my department against the orthopods...

...& appropriately enough, i wore this shirt...

..which i've kept all these years!!

(#9 : i'm a sentimental fool!)


Anonymous said...

Thank you :) I feel honored you did the tag. It is like making a new fren when we know more abt them. I did attend church when I was younger but htere were issues i couldnt handle.

i wasnt good at chess. I don't like to sit still. i would go swimming or hiking or such stuff. I never played football or touched a ball until i was at least 25. there wasnt much opportunity. St Xaviers field is small n i was a loner anyway.

savante said...

Soya bean. I love soya bean.

WAs okay at chess but then again, I was just average at most stuff which is why I dabbled in all sorts of clubs.

TZ said...

I played chess when i was in Secondary school. But it has been so many years i never touch chess... Definitely No junk food for me... I'm a gym person and currently building my muscle... Just lost 1.5KG in two months with the latest fat reading 18.5% :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, doc,

Nice reading! But, er... why "the wife makes fresh brew", not "MY wife"?

Curious, curious only :)


doc said...


you're welcomed.

in a world that's becoming progressively impersonal & hostile, building bridges is the key to world peace!(my 2 sen's worth)

making new friends is a step forward. you should not dwell on your previous life as a loner.

doc said...


soya bean milk should be the universal health drink. heh heh.

most of us are just average in most things - sort of jack of all trades.

doc said...


you are obviously the mucsle man of blogosphere. i'm sure you are aiming for at least 16% fat.

is tz short for tarzan?

doc said...


it's just a matter of speech, the same way i say "the girl" & "the boy".

do i sound distant by saying it that way?

LX said...

Doc, do you happen to give talks? My CF is looking for a christian doctor to give a talk on a Friday noon session on 'So you wanna save life'.. we are still looking for a suitable christian doctor to give the talk.

doc said...


the last talk i gave was, coincidentally, on CPR to my church. that was more than a year ago but i think i still have the slides in my laptop.

however, fridays would not be suitable as i have CG at night. email me & we can discuss this.

Anonymous said...

Yes, doc.. you're a friend. :)

Fyi, you can get saffron ice-cream at San Gimignano, a medieval walled Tuscan village - midway between Pisa and Siena in Tuscany, Italy.

doc said...


thks for the directions - i'll look out for this piece of paradise when i'm there next.

Anonymous said...

Being sentimental doesn't make you a fool, =)
The only soyabean I drink is the kind from the trucks, I don't really like the taste of boxed soyabean drinks.
You coughed up black phlegm?! I'm surprised you didn't stop that day itself.

doc said...


it's just a figure of speech, isn't it?

for me, the best tasting soya bean is the one with gula melaka, which is popular in penang. did you manage to get some?

i wanted to find out if the black phlegm would go away after some time - obviously it didn't.

just me said...

Seems to be the trend that the arts stream students are making more money in the working world!

The science stream students are in mainly in a fixed income job

doc said...

just me,

& we all wonder why students are falling over each other to enter medicine, dentistry & engineering.

this world has certainly gone MAD!

me said...

lol. doctors always like to use the sentence 'everything in moderation'. i must have heard it hundred of times :-p i wonder why. and a drawerful is moderation? what is over-indulgence then? a cupboard full? lol. btw, i've a box full myself :-p :-p