the other day, while in a hurry to get to work, i forgot to put on my glasses (bottom pair in the picture). in fact, i only discovered it while driving, not because i couldn't see clearly, but rather i thought my head felt a bit bare. & the reason i could drive without knocking into someone or something, was because i'm not that short-sighted. the power on each lens is only 300 degrees, with a bit of astigmatism correction, which i thought was quite good considering that i've been using glasses for over 35 years.
i had kept the previous pair as spare (middle pair in the picture, used from 1999 onwards) in the car, but i could have easily gone through the whole day without it & without much disability. if anything, i actually could see near better without glasses compared to using the old pair. it also showed that my long-sightedness has gotten worse since changing in 2005. i managed to retrieve an even older pair (top) - "huge" lenses with no astig correction.
comparing the 3, it seemed i may have conformed to fashion/style changes through the years, but i have to admit that looking at pictures of myself with the different glasses, i may have appeared (dare i say?) younger with each change. or, are my eyes deceiving me?
be that as it may, while i still can see, i ask the Lord this...
Open my eyes that I may see
wonderful things in your law.
Turn my eyes away from worthless things;
preserve my life according to your word. psalm 119:18, 37
Younger and trendier you've become, in fact. My dad is still in the style like the top pair of glasses in the pic. But I think for his age, that kind of style fits him best. Can't imagine him in the bottom most style. Hehehe..
*giggles at top two*
Sorry, hehe. I think you conformed to fashion because no optician in their right mind would sell anything that big to you in this day and age.
So how? Could you still play sudoku/ read newspaper in work without your glasses? =P
Hi Doc,
Can it be that when we were young, we tried to look a wee bit older; and when we are older, we try much harder to look younger?
Have a great weekend, Doc.
The first pair of spectacles (top most) looked like a Ray Ban; very classic design!
your dad will never know unless he tries it out. i'm sure the optometrist will let him try out the frame, then you can give your comments.
nothing ventured, nothing gained.
oh yes, some opticians still keep those giant frames in stock, but fewer these days.
i didn't get the chance to read the papers nor do the sudoku that day, but i could have easily done both without the glasses.
it more like when we were young, we tried to look matured.
that's probably why i grew a moustache then, but that's another story altogether!
Ray Ban? i wished!
but it was a charmant.
It's 3.14 a.m... how I wish my eyes would close & let me sleep...
clear your mind & play some nice soothing music.
or, read pslams 23.
i wish you rest. lots of it.
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