so, i surprised everyone when i got a PDA phone earlier this week. it may appear impulsive but actually i've been mulling about getting one for years - very much like the dSLR, LCD tv & that drive holiday in NZ.
i thought i got the PDA because it was the cheapest on that dream list, but actually, it was because of a chance conversation with sbanboy who sang praises about his recently-acquired Treo 680. with freebies like bluetooth earphone, extra battery, screen protector & car charger - it was going for a song at rm1688 (according to him).
so it was more a leap of faith for me. i met him the day i got a similar set & he downloaded some very good stuff for me.
unfortunately, 2 days later, the keypad failed. maybe this one slipped past quality control. in all fairness, the dealer agreed to give me a new set in exchange - no questions asked. how's that for after-sales service?
i anticipate a minor life-style change. now, i could blog & read the scriptures on-the-go. is that cool or what??
Wow this is something new to me, being kinda mong char char (blur) and tech-challenged. Just last month oni I learn wat is blue-tooth and am so proud of myself. I am oso probably der oni person in this world dat does not own a handphone
What you mentioned still sounded greek to me as am not tech -savvy.
But catch the part that says "blog on the go" , meaning a quicker response to our comments and hopefully, as a blog visitor to our blogs as well?
Also, cool to have God's Word on the go as well
UBER jealous!
hi firehorse,
we have to learn all these tech stuff, or else we get left behind.
without a hp, you'll never be harassed!!
just me,
that should be the case, once i get the new set.
i think i'm going to like being on-the-go!
you should also be able to get it for a song at sim lim square.
I don't have even a song...
That's ok, I'll be content with just drooling for now...
I've always wanted a Bible on the go, that way I can read it while I'm on the MRT.
Or play sudoku as I wait for the bus.
Or blog as I wait for friend whenever I am near a McDonalds...
i have lotsa games software @ my pda. Useful tool to pass time especially when waiting for someone :)
you can have all that & more. just get on to sim lim sq. & don't forget your credit card!
the irony is that none of my colleagues have a PDA!!
thk goodness for sbanboy, my mentor & tech whizz kid.
Hi Doc! I have wanted the same things for years too...
DSLR - checked
PDA phone - checked
Sigh...still amassing money for that dream LCD TV and self-drive holiday in NZ!
hi fibrate,
thks for your comment. guess we have things in common.
perhaps "amassing money" should read "working very hard"?
hope your dreams will come true soon!
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