i am still NOT tech-savvy.
last week, i couldn't change channels with the astro remote control. i thought the remote was spoilt even though it was bought a few months ago - an original, mind you! so we all had to change channels manually till we could get another from the shop. even a new one couldn't change channels, so i feared the worst - that the decoder, having served faithfully since 1999, had developed a sensor problem & will have to end up in the store room.
so i called up astro customer service to enquire about a new decoder when, by chance, the guy asked me why i thought the sensor had malfunctioned. i replied it was a logical explanation since the new remote also couldn't change channels. that's when he asked if i've done a reset for the remote. huh, what reset? (so much for being logical!!)
that's when i 1st found out about the need to reset new equipment. the remote is working like a charm now, even with the 8-year-old decoder.
i just got the faulty PDA phone exchanged 2 days ago, & i found out to my horror that the touch-screen does not respond to the stylus. hmm....did the guy give me another defective set? i called sbanboy for his expert advice & guess what he suggested? do a reset.
(is this uncanny or are the astro guy & sbanboy in telepathic communication?)

the touch-screen works beautifully now.
now, wouldn't you like to have a remote that can reset your life, like in the movie click?
for me, i wished i had paid more attention in chinese language classes during primary school.
regrets.....er.......i mean, reset, anyone??
Re set my eyesight..so i dont have to wear specs?
I also wished something about learning chinese - that is to be chinese-educated. Weird, but I find myself losing out when I don't understand chinese, and my chinese-ed sis refusing to translate for me.
I think i might need a Reset for my life... you might be thinking why i need a reset... anyway, will blog about this when time comes :-p
Sometime, for the high tech machine, we need a reset and reboot (don't kick your computer eh!)... If i granted a wish, i would like to have the remote control which could pause and let me finish what i need to do before the deadline :-) And of course fast forward or skip those unhappy moment.
hi doc,
not too sure about the reset button. Will I be I anymore after the reset?
Here is another someone who is hopeless with electronic gadget.
just me,
all is not lost. there's contact lens & there's lasik.
besides, some people look better with glasses.
like me (ahem!).
my exact sentiment, since 25% of the world population now speak mandarin.
still not too late to take "remedial" classes.
speaking of reboot, my desk-top just refused to restart after a power failure yesterday.
the thought of giving it a big kick did cross my mind!!
hi alex,
in a twinkling of the eye, you will still be, & perfect at that!
God bless!
we can benefit from the mistakes & experiences of others to improve ourselves.
the worst mistake is the one we never learn anything from.
What's the point of resetting when we're going to end up in the same place at the end of it? ;)
The one and only thing I have learned and put into practice is that life is too short for resets. Waaaay to short.
i thought it's the journey that makes the difference, & NOT the destination itself??
let me re-phrase your statement : life is too short for REGRETS.
but it's ok - i sense your cup is currently half empty.
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