i've always joked with the family - going to s'pore is an
OVERSEAS trip because you need an
international passport,
foreign currency &
roaming service on your handphone. so far, no one can prove otherwise.
so we went
overseas last weekend. it was an impromptu decision - actually the kids have been looking forward to it, except that i couldn't pre-plan a date. it was a pleasant drive without getting stopped by traffic cops & going thru customs/immigration was a breeze.
after checking in, the family had a head-start at orchard road while i met up with an ex-colleague from my training days at the Sheffield Registrars' Rotation in UK.
K has since joined private practice & we met at.....

now that's a name i've not heard for ages. years ago when i was at the Holland Village outlet, they served a most sinful blueberry cheesecake & milkshake, & as these were sadly not on the menu this time, i settled for the set lunch which turned out to be quite formidable:

full-flavoured home-made
mushroom soup.....

a mean honey-glazed
beef rib &.......

ben & jerry's
cherry garcia ice-cream...mmmm!
caught up the good old times & i'm glad he's doing well. lunch was on him but he knows when he comes a-visiting, he'll be treated to a
scrumptious ikan bakar meal, the likes of which s'pore can never hope to emulate.
caught up with the family at suntec city. i think shopping's a
cinch for guys. i was at the sports shop & selected a pair of trainers for just SGD39.99 within 20mins, while the girl is still searching for that elusive pair of
sketchers. now she said i must take her to 1-utama to get them.
it's really easy to figure out why tourists flock here. 1st, you just can't miss the
visitors' centre along orchard rd.....

then they take you on a
free tour......

on an open-top bus .....

to catch the x'mas trees, lights & decorations.....

needless to say, the street was teeming with people. some were out to make a quick buck like.....

the statue man....

the gimmick man....

musicians from china.....

& latin america.
guess what else was seen on tour? the beginnings of a new mall, right smack in the middle of orchard road..

the future Ion Shopping Complex.
sometimes the
heart rules over the head. that's why the next morning we started out at

instead of the Science Centre, because the girl was still looking out for that dream pair of shoes. the boy didn't mind as long as he got his

it helped that Vivo City is near Sentosa Island, because an LRT operates between the two..

included in the ticket price is a tram-ride around Sentosa...

& one reason why tourists feel safe here.....

is the obvious presence of
tourist police patrol. just like orchard rd, it's never enough & there's evidence a new attraction is being constructed....

for all the attractions & distractions, amidst the vibrant yuletide activities, it's reassuring that the
true spirit of christmas was not lost....

for me, the only pleasure i derived at vivo city was a brief sojourn at Ben & Jerry's....

so, how would a triple-header of
cherry garcia,
raspberry chocholate chunk &...
new york fudge chunk grab ya??
so, what's new about s'pore??
(1) when a local bank opened a new branch, they
go all out...

(2) some of the bus-stops have
display screens that indicate the ETA of the next bus...

(3) at the local toy store, monopoly now comes in
electronic banking version....

and (4) despite its squeaky clean image, people still
flout traffic rules...

learn new things all the time.