Friday, April 19, 2013

how to please the auntie....

i was talking to this 76-yr-old lady & her family before surgery & as I asked her to sign the consent form, she confessed that she can't write well because she's uneducated.

without thinking, i just replied that she's already has many children & grandchildren, & being surrounded by her loved ones is the happiest moment in one's life.

she thanked me profusely for saying that & that's when i learned that a little common courtesy can go a long way....


The thumb in every pie said...

I was having a sucky day until I read this post and it brought a smile onto my face :)

wenn said...

true..kind words can make someone's day..

Anonymous said...

Didn't know that you are a sweet talker doctor. :)

Fadhil said...

Indeed Doc, a hint of kindness will always be repaid many times over. As I normally like to say, tak rugi apa pun bila kita berbuat baik pada ornag lain...

doc said...


sounds like a page from Chicken Soup for the Soul, doesn't it?

doc said...


yes, kind words have that effect, unless you are Dirty Harry!!

doc said...

salam Oldstock,

well said!

doc said...


learned & mastered the art during those dating days.
