Wednesday, July 29, 2009

husband of the year

5th prize:

4th prize:

3rd prize:


AND, the champion husband of the year:

look, this guy is a true romantic - he's even holding her hand!

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
1 peter 3:7


Yan said...

doc, That's really hilarious! My hubby has a "back" problem - and I do quite a fair bit of the heavy tasks, including carrying heavy things, and even his packed luggage if he goes travelling.

I must be the champion of the champions! LOL!

ilene said...

Aisay, I wish my husband would read your blog!

iml said...

LOL This is too much. True Gentle men.

doc said...


live out the perfect partnership as God would have wanted: you are his "hands" & he, your "eyes", & you're both each other's soul mates.

doc said...


& he might dread what he reads?

doc said...


shouldn't women cease driving themselves to despair over their husband's little shortcomings? after all, has anyone ever had to sleep outside the tent or carry SIX cases of beer yet?

Anonymous said...

1 Corinthians 7 v 28 "...those who marry will face many troubles
in this life..."

v 32 "... a married man/woman(v34) is concerned about the affairs of this world--- how he can please his wife/husband...'

conclusion? read v29

just me

just me

Yan said...


So well said! I really do need his "eyes" at the moment!

Bengbeng said...

i might be the champion :) i hate taking out the trash :)

doc said...

Just me,

which means those who are married should remain married?

doc said...


sounds like a strong symbiotic partnership to me! may you & hubby continue to lean on each other & on Him.

doc said...


from what i read in your blog, you are quite close to be the champion!