some commercials strike a raw nerve, like yasmin ahmad's festival promos for petronas.
some commercials are funny, like P1 wimax's current "potong" blitz.
but i think this is one's really in bad taste (pun intended). it's Burger King's tie-up with Microsoft on the launch of windows 7 in Japan. read here & here.
7 pieces of beef patties at one sitting? doesn't that just make you want to puke??
no wonder gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins.
weird ad..
distasteful, i would say.
i still can't figure why Microsoft agreed to the tie-up.
Forgive me...for I have sinned! Hahahahaha!!!
you had the Whopper in Japan or Windows 7 in your PC?
I miss Whopper from BurgerKing!
Don't think Windows 7 is practical as you need a touch screen for it to perform its full potential.
I like the P1 WimaX ad on TV. Sudah 'potong'? Haha!
oh, i dont like the wimax advert.. i feel it is kind of "cheap" .. a bit off the edge.. :)
i have to agree that BK have the best fast-food burgers, but a tad more expensive than the others.
thks for the tip on windows 7.
ha ha, Claire,
you obviously disapprove of that commercial as you've previously expressed your dislike in a comment to my credit card post.
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