i think the boy's going to be like me when i was younger - live football, sleep football.
recently, he started watching EPL matches with me on weekends. then he started checking the sport pages for fixtures, scores & tables. & now, i've taught him how to get into the ESPN website.
last saturday, we found out that ex-national player Wong Kou Foo conducts coaching sessions at the local field for youngsters of various ages.

although the session started with a pep talk, followed by basic skill exercises.....

it's obvious the kids were more excited about playing the actual game...

the boy's so happy, it's almost like he's found his football heaven....er...haven...

i know where we'll be spending many saturday evenings from now on.
I agree with you, teach, guide, instill good qualities to them when they are young.
one malay proverb is so apt,"nak melentur buluh, mula lah dari rebungnya"
have a good day and good week ahead doc
Not necessarily! My daughter was such a tomboy, so active when young... I thought one day, she'll win me a Proton...or a house...or some land...or a Datuk! Hahahahahaha!!! Now, such a lady. Blame the mum - this cannot, that cannot, later fall down, hurt herself etc etc etc...
It is good to start early!
It's a great beginning to a lifelong healthy workout.
ya..start them young..
good one! i've returned most of the simpulan bahasa to the teacher.
not to worry. in due time, your daughter will make you a Datuk. heh heh!
kids are easier to teach when they start young.
hope he'll continue his interest & later involve other sports as well.
hopefully they won't lose interest just as fast, too.
Strike a match & help light them up, children grow up too fast, adults aged faster. Have fun & enjoy while it lasts as one day you will reminisce the past.
Children r the cutiest n grudge less people.. they are all intelligent n most lovable .. but not adults Lah..
the match has been struck & there's no turning back now.
true, but some kids do behave like little devils!
encourage the child. football is a good clean activity
i will & it is.
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