some will be at gurney drive, some in the vicinity of KLCC, while yet others at pubs & ballrooms.
i wished i were at the watch night service.
but i'm stuck here doing the count-down in hospital.
so seriously, do you really want your kids to do medicine??
because, I SURE DON'T!!
hi Doc.. fret not.. i m also not going anywhere but in my room, sitting on the wooden chair, laptop and tv to accompany me.. so more or less the same.., no shouting, no shrieking.. leave those for the young.. hahha...
anyway, have a Blessed New Year.. healing the sick... u r blessed!
ha ha, Claire!
blessed new year to you & your family!!
maybe not, as well. Because it'll cost me a big bomb, unless they are as smart as your emma. :)
Happy New Year!!
There's always another 31st december midnight but there won't be another chance to save a life so precious.
A great way to start a New Year
Happy 2010
I slept from 2009 to 2010... A Happy New Year to you and your family, doc! CHEERS!
Happy New Year!
At least go over to the pantry to watch the countdown! That's what the nurses do :)
DOC, not all doctors are stuck in the hospital on New Year's eve! Actually, I have full respect and admiration for doctors after seeing those who attended to my mum, particularly the one in the private hospital. Now why isn't any of my family members a doctor? *sigh*
emma will not take up medicine if i can help it!! unless she starts showing a passion & a calling for the job.
blessed new year to you & your family!
blessed new year to you & your family!
ha ha, STP!
you not only slept from one year to another, you actually slept from one decade to the next!
who's the sleeping beauty now??
blessed new year to you & your family!
blessed new year to you & your family!
the pantry hasn't got windows!! so we did a little count-down of our own.
blessed new year!
that's because none wants to be working on christmas & new year, not to mention on birthdays, anniversaries, reunions...etc...etc...
I received this sms from a sweet journalist in Sabah, probably that would fit your other way of countdown!
The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are. But, on how happy others can be because of you. Keep being a blessing!
If it's our children's calling to the job - why not?
thanks for the thought.
i agree - only if there's a CALLING & a PASSION for it, would i allow my kids to follow my footsteps.
hey doc no worries ler..
i was sleeping dat night.. and get myself enough sleep to serve others who needs our help..
i would be happy enough on my new year day or new year eve serving others and make their lives easier since they are not well..
by the way... doc! i am attached on new year day and attached during my working shift.. haha...
look on the bright side of things -you are being a hand of God by saving life's . What more can be rewarding than that at the break of dawn ??? :)
Heppi New Year !
good for you! you would make a caring nurse!!
Unicorn Girl,
thanks & blessed new year to you & your family.
you know, in football,the term "hand of god" has a negative meaning.
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