it's the stuff you have to swallow to clean your bowel before a colonoscope. yeah, that's right - it's the year-end & i'm giving myself a rear-end look-see. well, actually my friend the surgeon has the dubious honour.
1st, i had to skip the usual breakfast, & instead dissolve a packet of fortrans into about a litre of water. that's the easy part.
the "fear factor" part is trying to swallow the lot in 1 sitting. actually, it doesn't taste like maggots or cows' intestines (not that i know how they taste like) & it doesn't taste horrible at all but at the same time, it's has bland sort of unpalatable taste.
it doesn't get absorbed into the body like how normal fluids do, but instead function as a bowel wash-out. after a few hours, i get a bloated kind of sensation in the tummy but nothing else happened.
that's what the 2nd packet is for. an hour after taking this, with much difficulty of course (remember fear factor?), i had to go to the toilet & out came yesterday's breakfast, lunch & dinner in 1 fell swoop!
at the surgeon's clinic, i was given sedation with a pain-killer, & the procedure went without a hitch. at certain stages, i felt a sharp discomfort but that was bearable. it was over in 20mins.
the examination result was NORMAL...yayy!
although cancers may not be avoidable, there's no reason why we all can't submit ourselves to screening procedures proven to be effective diagnostic tools for early detection for the disease. so guys, go for the scopes & ladies, pap smears & mammograms.
good health to all for the new year!
Wishing you & your family good health & endless blessings from God.
Have a Blessed New Year.
It's always wonderful to receive good news right? Thanks DOC for the advice! *hate those mammogram machines* Could someone invent a more 'comfortable & friendlier' machine?!
Thanks for the very interesting HK trip episodes and pics. I had just come back too, but didn't know about Noah's Ark at Ma Wan. It was unusually cold last week, like 12C at night, and many stalls at Ladies Market closed early. Did your friend take you for makan at Yung Kee in Wellington Street, followed by buying wife-biscuits (lo por peang)?
Happy New Year.
hi doc..last time a specialist recommended doing this on me.. cos i went to see him about some piles.. :p but i didnt do eventually.. yeah, takut pain.. thanks for sharing the details.. i will consider :)
so u can say '4trans' did a good cleansing job & 2009 *_ear ended on a good note....
hmmm...maybe I shld try 4trans, to get rid 'my toxic waste of a bitchy year'
HappyNewYear2010 to you & family
Yikes! But at least everything is healthy, and you have peace to celebrate new year.
Hey Doc,
Nice to have known you here in cyberspace,may the good lord continue to open the floodgates of blessing upon you.
take care,, adios 2009, mabuhai 2010
all the best! happy new year!
blessed new year to you & your family!
you're welcomed!
no matter how much you hate them, they actually save lives!
you're the 2nd person to tell me about Yung Kee, but we didn't go there.
we thought it was going to be cold when we were there but it turned out to be rather mild - abt 18-20 degrees at nite.
blessed new year!
you're welcomed.
yes, you should seriously consider.
yes, you could say it was a good cleansing.
nope, fortrans is not going to do that for those toxic wastes.
try Grace of God?
blessed new year!
yes, there is much to be grateful for.
blessed new year to you, PC & Rachel!
pleased to meet you. perhaps we can meet face-to-face when i'm next in penang?
blessed new year to you & your family!
blessed new year!
oh.. i went through this procedure before, um.. 4 years ago. no reason apart from paranoia. I was sedated, couldn't feel a thing. But yah.. I can so relate to your feeling of relief that everything's fine. Congrats!! :)
thanks. a clean bill of health is indeed a very reassuring feeling.
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