this was the message i shared with the congregation on sunday, one essentially of faith & mercy. i included a clip from the movie 10 Commandments where Moses, played by Charlton Heston, led the israelites across the red sea. the obvious miracle in that scene was, of course, the parting of the waters which provided the escape from the pursuing egyptian army. what's barely noticeable was that they crossed on dry ground.
But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. exodus 14:29
unbelieveable, isn't it? after a downpour, the ground is usually wet & soggy, but here the sea bed is DRY & the isrealites could flee without getting bogged down!! & this is mentioned FOUR times in this chapter. God loves & cares for us. although we often only notice the significant mercies in our lives, we overlook the little nitty gritty, eg. food on the table, roof over our heads & good health, which are no less a blessing.
to emphasise the faith of the israelites & grace of God, i recounted the woman with a bleeding disorder who remained ceremonially unclean by levitical laws, & was a social outcast for 24 years. but in faith, she stretched out her hand to Jesus for a cure, & although the healing was immediate, it wasn't complete till she confessed & the Lord replied:
"Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace." luke 8:48
nowhere else in the scriptures has Jesus addressed anyone this intimately. it just shows that despite our wavering faith, like the israelites, & diseased state, like the woman, God the loving Father, will continue to care, heal & show mercy.
if only we are prepared to reach out to Him.
**song of praise in response was Part The Waters, originally sung by Evie**
A Blessed Christmas to you and your family too, doc!
Blessed Christmas.
Yes, we all have a Red Sea to cross. What red sea are we crossing today? What are the things we are trusting God for in our life?
Good thoughts for Christmas.
Thanks for sharing.
P/S why is the pulpit empty?
hello Doc.. its been a long while since i last came.. the last time i came was when u said u were going for a holiday... so u went to HK .. seems quite a number of bloggers here also went.. should have made a reunion there.. hahaa...
Anyway, here's wishing u and your family a Wonderful Christmas and A Blessed New Year!
merry xmas!
have yourselves a blessed christmas!
thanks for the thoughts to ponder over.
the pulpit was vacant because i took the photo myself after the service.
blessed christmas!
looks like we went to different Magic Kingdoms, except we spent 2 whole days there, 10am - 8pm.
perhaps a bit too expensive for a reunion? how about KL next christmas?
blessed christmas to you & family.
blessed christmas to you & family!
Merry Christmas, Doc! May God bless you, and yours. :)
Blessed christmas to you & your family!
Merry Christmas doc. i was in he middle of the jungle when i received yr sms n it cheered me up so much. thank you. Wishing u a swell 2010 ahead
Blessed Christmas to you and to all your loved ones too Doc ! HE's surely the reason for the season :)
hope you & your family had a blessed christmas!
you're welcomed!
you spent christmas in the jungle? are you doing penance or what??
Unicorn girl,
blessed christmas!
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