Saturday, June 23, 2012

awfully quiet

my daughter has just gone back to the hostel. of the 4-week term break, we spent the 1st 2 weeks on vacation, & she pretty much stayed in her room for the next 2 weeks to revise for her mid-year exams starting next week.

it's not that she is loud or boisterous but the home seems awfully quiet without her presence. one less person at the dining table, one less passenger in the back seat & one less child to kiss goodnite.

we can't wait to have her home again in august!


stay-at-home mum said...

Isnt horrible that many schools are having their exams after the hols? it just about rules out a fully fun vacation as the exams will always be hanging at the back of their minds.

doc said...


it's odd that the mid-year exams are held after the vacation - definitely will spoil the mood to holiday.

it's like the MOE doesn't approve of having fun for term breaks.

stay-at-home mum said...

I believe its the schools that make that decision and not the MOE, and the ones that do it tends to be the schools that produce stellar results. Guess, it may be their way of keeping the kids on their toes. But I am totally against it, coz the children really need a BREAK from school, projects and studying, as during the term time the owrkload is already so heavy. But then, we choose our kids school despite knowing all it :(

doc said...


i've always thought that it's a win-win situation to have the exams before term break. the teachers can mark the papers during the break & the students get to go for vacation.