a hard-cover edition of the 2nd of his prison trilogy.
in north america, it retailed at...
...but here it was being sold for....
...with another 10% off with the discount card. it's a "steal" by any standard, & as a sworn Archer die-hard, i should grab it before someone else does.
but (sigh) i didn't. i don't think entries like :
"6.03am : woke up & wrote for 2 hours...
8.34am : had corn-flakes with UHT milk for breakfast..."
are going to fire the imagination & keep me at the edge of my seat.
it was a difficult decision to make but i'll pass this one.
maybe i'm not a die-hard after all.
Read the 3 books. Parts of it are Not suitable for under 16. The books gave a better understanding on what the author a respectable member parliment had to endure both mental and physical and Survive. An insight on the prisoners and the going ons of a prison. Writing had kept his sanity. I believe he is ever stronger and humble person.
But... it's so cheap!
It's like only 12 dollars!
Ha ha.
Maybe the autographed copy has satisfied your "gian" for a while.
hmm....maybe i should have another look at the book.
thks for the tip.
so it's not the price that i base my decision to buy a book, but if this were 4th Estate or 11th Commandment, i would have grabbed it before you could say,"popular card"!
Last Saturday afternoon, I let a few copies of Jeffrey Archer's slip through my fingers too..even though they were sold at a steal, at RM 1 and RM2 because the pages looked so old and yellow ....I have already read them but was wondering whether to buy to keep but didn't in the end
just me,
i wonder which book sale you went to.
now that my daughter is starting to read my books as well, i have another reason to purchase rather than borrow.
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