yeah, it's that time of the year again when the kindergartens have their graduation ceremonies, showcasing the achievements of the students to the parents in particular, & to the public at large. of course, this is also a neat piece of PR work to attract prospective parents to enrol their pre-schoolers.
my son's school is no different. next year, they will take up the Fungate franchise, which (supposedly) means superior teaching methods, more science & computer facilities & better trained teachers, therefore effectively preparing the 4-to-6-yr-olds for formal education. naturally, all these advantages come at a (steep) price - about 3 times the current fees.
well, let's not get too academic about the issue. kids should enjoy their childhood & here's the boy's few minutes claim to fame at center-stage :
Children our pride and joy.
When I was in kindie, life was so simple. We only had english, bm, chinese and bible class. Not forgetting, loads of fun time in the playground. But during my youngest sis's time (she's 8 yrs younger), her chinese was actually for difficult than the primary 1-2 chinese standard. Imagine that!
they always will be.
i have fond memories of those days, too, but i fear we must all move on with the times.
Kind concerts are fun. When my son had his graduation concert, we never saw his face. He hid behind the newspaper in the skit where he was the dad, he hid his head in the box in the dragon dance! Boys will be boys. Glad your boy enjoyed his time on centrestage!
i only sometimes send/fetch the boy, but the one occasion i try not to miss is the year-end concert. i posted a similar event last year as well. next year, he will "graduate", so i will certainly be there.
I didn't have privilege to attend kindergarten...went to standard one straight away!
just me,
kindergartens are over-rated. see how well you turned out to be??
Cute cute =)
hi jayce,
thks for dropping by & also the double compliment.
PS. i'm sure i could learn some photography tips from you.
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