it's probably terminal.
my GP friend was recently diagnosed to have inoperable cancer of the liver. the doctors managed to reduce its size by embolization & then proceeded to chemotherapy. (read here)
short of surgery, that's probably his best shot.
it was really ironic because we were having dinner with a few other medics earlier last month & he was asked whether he believed in God. he replied that there was no need to as he doesn't have a problem, conflict or crisis. he was being candid because life has been rosy for him - happily married with a young family, runs a successful clinic & financially independent.
and now, this.
but he is still outwardly jovial about his future. talking to him, i can sense that he has more or less prepared for the battle with big C. but more importantly he is also receptive to having God in his life. for that, i am happy for him.
is this God's timely test for him? does he have to go through the same desparate sinking experience as Jonah before he retraces his path back to The Way, The Truth & The Life?
it's probably terminal & chemo-embolization probably his best option. probably. in times of fear & doubt, isn't it reassuring that there are still promises we can hold on to :
Let everyone call urgently on God. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish." Jonah 3:8,9
May your friend make a commitment and find rest in Him during this trying time...if it is the liver affected, I think his days are really numbered....as in my bro in law's case, 6 months!
hi anonymous,
i hope & pray that he will confess at the feet of Jesus & that his burden may be lifted.
thks for your comment.
PS. i've since changed the title of this post & the verse at the end.
many of us are like that, when all is well and good, we credit it to ourselves, we are proud.
But when things start to take a turn for the worse, we lament and ask God "WHY?"
It's good that your friend has become more willing to humble himself to let God fight the cancer for him.
And I really like that verse, =) Jonah 3: 8,9.
those verses weren't in the original post - i inserted them after re-reading the book of Jonah. even then i edited it bcos the actual wordings may come across as condescending in the current circumstance.
One look at the liver.. I remember my grandfather who was diagnosed liver cancer. The doc told him he had few months to live.. indeed, he lived only another 4 months after that. It was terrible.. my first encounter with death in a family.
the anonymous comment was made by me.
to add on, everyone has problems of one kind or another but some turn to other "gods" for solutions
this is one of few cancers where it's often extensive by the time symptoms appear.
may God have mercy on your grandfather.
just me,
i did think it strange that someone would leave an anonymous comment.
we all turn to whoever/whatever we believe in or are familiar with.
may God have mercy on your bro-in-law.
bro-in-law ,in desperation, in his hour of need, despite being a staunch taoist, turned to our Healing Lord. He was baptised on his deathbed. His wife, my sister, is now a fervent believer.PTL
Life is indeed unpredictable.
And we are not in total control of our lives. There is a higher authority up there and the Almighty God is the one in total control.
may your friend find peace in his heart and strength to fight cancer
I recently interviewed a musculoskeletal oncologist and have been much inspired by what he has to say. It's really a matter of living life to its fullest even after cancer - the commitments, hope and faith of patients, doctors, families and friends make a big difference in life after cancer. I add - it's all in God's hands. He is in control.
just me,
so your bro-in-law's demise was not in vain - at least 2 souls were saved.
we are indeed unable to control our lives - that's why we make a mess out of it & will continue to do so unless we surrender totally.
my friend will be pleased to know he has many well-wishers from the Faith.
i agree.
for my friend, the REAL LIFE has just begun, although he may not realise that yet.
It's sad when we hear of such things affecting our friends.
It is not our place to judge why these things happen but to recognize that God has a plan and purpose for everything in His plan.
I pray and hope your friend can be healed and find peace in God in these times.
i hope & pray the same.
he will be glad to know he has moral/spiritual support from blogosphere.
When it is time, it is time.
Isn't is strange when people are at the end of their ropes, God's name is called upon.
Happen to me too, many years ago. Me thinks most people ignore this call till until their time is up on this planet.
hi james,
i agree. the Wise Man said so : there's a time to live, & a time to die.
unfortunately for some, they only start living when they know their lives are ending.
hope you have made the right decision.
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