de·ceive [di-seev]
verb - to mislead by a false appearance or statement; delude:
so, we didn't win our 1st olympic gold over the weekend. although Chong Wei put up a gallant fight, he was simply outclassed by Lin Dan.
this photo was taken from today's Star Online:

with this caption:

as i watched the action live on astro, i was certain Lin Dan was saluting to the crowd. in fact, he repeated the salutation to several sections of the crowd. at best, this report is a careless misintepretation & at worst, a blatant deception.
no wonder people are turning away from main-stream media for true & reliable news.
Honestly, our athletes are not up-to-par w/the other world class athletes. Of course it was nice to see him in the finals but it was quite a disappointment when he lost to Lin Dan.
absolutely blatant deception... lin dan was saluting the crowd... the MSM never fails to amaze us all.
Yeah, Lin Dan is saluting to the crowds
most of our athletes are not consistent enough to be world-beaters, except for Nicol David.
i presume you are also an avid reader of the independent press & blogs.
even that was obvious from the photo!!
Yes,I remember seeing this on screen. Him, saluting to the supporters around him.
true, & i can't remember when the last time the victor saluted his opponent.
dont quite get u.
i meant that you don't pay too much attention to the usual mainstream newspapers, esp if they are owned by political parties.
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