it was time to get appointments for my father. 1st stop at the neurologist/physician's clinic. even after having been with his regular doctors all this time, he seemed to warm up to the new chaps easily. perhaps it helped that these guys are my colleagues. after the physician, it's off to the eye doctor. well,the general consensus was that nothing's changed - my father is in an advanced stage - he will not get better, but for now, he's not gotten worse.
& as he lives out his twilight years in a strange place, this song by Mike & the Mechanics keeps playing in my head...
I don't mean to be a pessimist but one day in the very distant future, your son may have the same song playing in his head.
It's all in GOD's hands - how we live & how our life will end. For the moment, we just have to live our best & treasure the moments with our loved ones.
God Bless you & your family & your parents.
you could well be right - after all, we reap what we sow.
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