Tuesday, January 13, 2009

parents beware!

got this from Alex's blog & as it turned out, ours are rated similarly...

mine got this rating based on the presence of the following words:

death (4x)

dead  (2x)

kill  (1x)

hey, what gives? i also use words like faith, hope & love, so how come they don't mitigate the precautionary rating?

anyway, children, be good & stay away from doc & his morbid blog, while adults may rate their blogs here.


Alex Tang said...

Kids, get your parents to read our blogs :)

iml said...

For General viewing, you'll have to replace those hedious words!!

Anonymous said...

hmm... what is so bad about death?

SE7EN said...

perhaps it's time we put the same sign PG-13 at hospital lobby

Anonymous said...

Hahha, this is fun! Let me try mine.

Michelle Mak said...

i can read right?LOL

doc said...


everyone should take the rating with a big dollop of salt!

doc said...


somehow, the substitute words don't seemed to carry the same effect, eg.how threatening does this sound: "do it or you'll be lifeless"??

nah, i'll keep the original & maintain my PG-13 rating.

doc said...


nothing bad, except that most people pretty much prefer to be alive.

doc said...


now, THAT would be an outrageous idea but it'll probably have the same effect as the No Smoking signs.

doc said...


your happy place blog should be rated U, hands downs.

doc said...


yeah, go on & read. you're a big girl!