i've been toying with the idea of getting a plasma/LCD tv for over a year but found no reason for acting on it, notwithstanding that prices are on a slide, much like most other electronic gadgets.
until recently.
my mum had 2 tvs in the old house - a Phillips & a Sony - & for some strange reason, she sold off the latter & kept the Phillips. wrong choice because ever since moving over, it was not working well, & all she saw was blurred images, & even then only could receive TV1 & TV2.
so i thought it was a good excuse to get that plasma tv now. besides, my regular home appliance guy must be tired of trying to get me to upgrade for the past year & much to his chagrin, i remained defiant.
so i surprised him last week by asking him to make me another offer. after mulling for another few days, i settled for a Panasonic, although i had originally wanted a Bravia. well, can you blame me - after all, i have 2 Sonys that still work? thus began the merry-go-round.
the New Toy now sits proudly in the lounge, while the Sony (8 years old) was relocated upstairs, replacing an even older Sony (11 years) which was promptly moved to my mother's house.
i'd like to think that everyone's happy now, not least the tv dealer.
(now that the tv's in the bag, i'm toying with idea of a GPS device - which means it'll be at least another year before i get that Garmin 205w)
aiya don need GPS la..
i can easily be anyone's GPS lor...
can give direction where ever i am..only limited in KL areas... LOL
i will check you up the next time i'm lost in KL, which is quite often!
The rain won't go away. So, the housewife here also finds an excuse to get a dryer! Yes, just installed. Justifiable?
Hey, Blessings for the new year!
of course your purchase is perfectly valid! who wants to wear damp clothes?
in my case, however, the justification is not so clear-cut. ;)
oh no prob...LOL
hopefully the road didnt change la when i give u the direction..since i wont be around anytime near till july?
heading off to pantai hosp in sungai petani...
to work as ward assistant...believe it not?
haha! pray for me ya! pray that i will be grant with patience, wisdom, a caring heart while i serve there! :)
btw gong xi fa chai!
happy cny! :D
blessed new year to you & your family.
may you show concern & patience as you serve as a ward assistant.
There is so much stuff i would like to buy but sigh sigh. Thanks for yr advise. I was discharged from the GH yesterday. They labeled it cellititis or something like that and infected wound.
Happy CNY to you and yr family :) from me , Benghui and Mrs BB
glad to know that you are out of hosp. have a blessed New Year & take care of yourself!
Buy from US cheaper... LOL, I've been getting that from a lot of unrelated people lately about GPS.
GPS seems to be the favourite men's toy for some months. if you're going to US, "tumpang" get one for me??
Wah, u make it sound like I go to US all the time. I've not set foot in US yet.
My Sony projection tv (3.5 yrs old) just rosak. The Sony service person told us that tellies nowadays are not meant to have long lifespans. For the projection tv, it is only about 2-3 years average. What the!
Btw, Happy CNY!
hmm...i wonder what made me think that you are a globetrekker. maybe it is that picture of a bird in your blog.
what - only 2-3 years?? do you think he's trying to get you to buy a new TV?
Happy New Year to you & your family!
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