Saturday, August 01, 2009

light at the end of the tunnel

life really boils down to just 2 questions:

1) should i get a dog?

or, 2) should i have children?

no matter how long & treacherous your journey may seem....

no matter what situations life throws at you....

remember, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel!


Reanaclaire said...

hey, this is funny..i notice u do post up hilarious posts here.. thanks for coming by..actually my active blogs are these below...

doc said...


a cheerful heart is good medicine (prov 17:22) but i say a laugh a day keeps the doc away!

thks, got you on my bookmark.

Bengbeng said...

i only got the punch line after a few seconds.. delayed response :)

doc said...


but it was hilarious, wasn't it?

Bengbeng said...

sending u email at yahoo in 4 mins. hope u will respond . thanks

doc said...


ok. will do.

Unknown said...

hi DOC,

you should get both, when a child has a dog,you save the sofa,when the dog has the child,you save the sofa too...

i like your blog,i guess we connect,same wavelength,they say.

take care bro,hope to hear from you soon,,,,,,,

doc said...

hi Eugene,

actually we have much common ground. wife + 2 kids, & in children ministry, although i'm just a novice in the latter.

as for this post, i'll gladly settle for 2 messy kids anytime.

Superman said...

Haha. I like the last photo. So funny!

doc said...


yeah, that was a super-funny light-at-the-end-of-the- tunnel, wasn't it?

suituapui said...

I'd take a dog anytime... Once tired of it, can abandon it somewhere by the roadside. Oops!!!*ducks rotten eggs thrown by SPCA members! Hahahahaha!!!! But at least, I'm better than some people - they eat it! LOL!!!

doc said...


like me, you're not much of a pet-lover. for me, kids rule every time!

anastasia said...

dogs won't grow up to pay for your yearly vacation after 20 years (make that thirty ;) )

doc said...


spot on & that's one reason we don't keep dogs. i don't think the vets would agree, though.