just this week, i posted about the iPod which seemed to have created buying interest amongst some. well, don't place your orders yet because Apple have just launched the latest model (5th generation) in the US which comes with added video and FM radio functions. (read here)
the good news is that it retails at about rm529 for the 8G & rm635 for the 16G, which is considerably cheaper than the current models (without video function).
ah, wouldn't this make the perfect excuse to spend your year-end bonuses???
er....cheap is a relative term la!
Year end bonus? What year end bonus? RM500 for non-grads and even that would be paid in two parts!! And nothing for poor retirees like me... Obviously the country is in worse shape than what the government wants people to believe...
aiyah STP,
i meant that tongue-in-cheek la! of course, we're in an economic cesspool; why else is the govt launching its Amanah unit trusts in quick succession?
but wait a minute, don't govt retirees get year-end bonuses just like current employees?
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