my father would have been 79 last week. as a simple gesture of remembrance, we went to the beach to mark the occasion. holding a stalk of white crysanthemum, we each said a short prayer for him before tossing it to the sea.

it's uncanny. we each tossed the flower at different times & yet, as they float away with the waves, they seemed to come together. as if in support for each other.
like family.
Why? Where is he buried?...In the home village in China? Guess that's why you all can't go and visit him in the cemetery.
that's really sweet. :)
Family is the most important for us all!
white chrysanthemum..i hvn't seen it before..for rememberance..
he was cremated, & in accordance to his final wish, his ashes dispersed into the Straits of Johor.
we undertake to make this our annual ritual as a mark of respect & remembrance.
how very true!
as this was our 1st time, we asked the florist which flower would be appropriate for remembrance, she suggested either white chrysanthemum or lily.
i checked out wikipedia & it confirmed.
The dearly departed should not completely be forgotten and Birthdate is a good way to remember them on.
i whole-heartedly agree.
as for my husband, i visit him twice per year.. one during his death anniversary and during all souls day.. one in April and November, 6 months apart..
good gesture!
my father's passing & his birthday is just a month apart. we haven't decided if we'll do both next year.
nice gesture to remember him, as time passes only memories linger.
it uncanny that after a person passes on, you only remember the fond memories.
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