although we have our own share of unemployed new graduates, we often hear of their grouses that the govt isn't providing them with jobs, etc etc, which is so typical of crutch mentality that is so ingrained into our way of life.
which is why i'm so, so impressed with this young jobless Briton...

..who took to the streets of London to solicit for a job.(read here)
we need to be stronger mentally, to be able to take failure in its stride & overcome it with hard work & commitment. unfortunately, when we hit the streets, it's either to perform reckless motorbike stunts or parade animal heads.
His last measure.. Great encouragement ... never to say die!
he's so confident of himself that he's NOT taking the 1st job offered to him.
i think he knows he's done the right thing.
DOC, over here, "they've" been spoilt. It's all hands out to them and yet despite of that, they still continue to say that they're the neglected lot! *slap forehead*
yea we need to be strong and tough mentally, physically and also emotionally..
From me to you, suejean =)
yes, over here, it's called the NEP.
**rolls eyes**
not to forget strong spiritually as well.
he has to sacrifice his first goodness..
Owh yeah, I saw one like this on cnn about 2 weeks ago, the guy was standing on WALLSTREET..from Director to employee ""^^
But your guy has better board doc! ^^
desparate people do desparate things. perhaps he was confident he can do well that he will keep the job.
Ms Zane,
times are really bad but may have started to improve, if the economists are to be believed, what's with W-shaped recovery & all that.
I am looking for editors! Anyone? Probably, I should do one and hang it round my neck and walk along the streets of KK!
here's a tagline for you:
"If you're prepared to walk the extra mile, WE WANT YOU!"
its not NEP or economic slowdown, its mentality of the young nowadays everything must come easy refusing to work with lame excuses of low pay etc.. how do we account for mushrooming of immigrants legal or otherwise here? Not only as maids but barbers, hawkers etc
2nd day of raya @the park, I 'caught' 2 young able bodied chaps breaking into cars in broad daylight. They were so bold. They took sunglasses, TG cards etc I mean its so not worth to be caught for such petty items. I told myself I would give them a scolding & smack on their face on behalf of their mum but they got away. In my mind I didnt want them to be caught but at the same time I am angry for they may start from petty thefts to bigger crime economic slowdown or not.
what those youths did was to obey natural laws - in this case, to follow the path of least resistance.
who doesn't want easy money? we all do, except that most of us still have some decency within us.
Hi Audrey,
according to the news report, he has several offers already.
no pain, no gain, isn't it?
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