all kinds of weird thoughts flooded my mind.
did i break any banking laws?
am i unwittingly laundering money?
am i in possession of counterfeit money?
when i changed into AUD earlier this year, was i speculating?
actually, all they wanted was to offer me a pre-approved financial loan. (phew!)

i share STP's sentiment (he commented here) about not being in debt. living within one's means seems like a good principal to adopt, esp. in these trying times.
yeah, i'm a chinaman though & through. i also get a tad jittery when the govt comes a-calling!
i too believe in playing safe
or, you could also say, don't play with fire??
Bank Negara also giving out loans like normal commercial banks kah?....I get jittery everytime I get a letter from the Inland Revenue (LHDN)...scared they will ask me to pay more!!!
ha ha, me too!
quite a few years back, i get that feeling when i receive registered post from PDRM. invariably, it's a "saman" for speeding. i'd like to think i have mellowed down (from speeding) since.
LOL! I can imagine how you must have felt. I too get really nervous when receiving letters from govt depts!
just out of curiosity, what govt depts write to full-time homemakers like yourself?
safe is the safest!
ps you're invited to comment on my post too. =)
Income tax dept! I do have an income ok! I'm a full-time homemaker in disguise. Heh heh!
hi SJ!
"safe is the safest"? that's a new one!
invitation accepted.
homemaker in disguise = mother of all deception???
Hi doc,
i am here e-calling too.. calling out a wonderful long weekend, and happy holiday,,, and god bless.
take care now
You worry too much.
hi Eugene,
you have a nice weekend with the family. i have to work on monday la!
that's only true some of the time.
hi doc, nasib baik u came by my blog.. as i said earlier in my posts, my bloglist has gone missing and i cannot remember who i have left out... added u in already..
i fear receiving from police dept only..the other day i rec was a summon for 200rm, for speeding in penang.. :)
er..excuse me, with so many cars in Penang, how to speed???
somehow your comment could not be published but i've got it in my mailbox.
that was an underhanded tactic of the Tiger bank to get people into debt. actually, before you frame up the cheque, better deface it a bit, in case someone else takes it & alter it to their advantage.
doc, i got the summon on the way to bayan lepas.. i didnt know it was a 70km road, i drove at 80km... and when i saw the police, it was too late.. he was just under the bridge.. true enough, the summon came weeks later.. sigh..
if you settle early, you can ask for reduction & usually they allow it.
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