haven't read the papers yet but i can safely assume there'll be some sort of a mass engagement/wedding held somewhere today. at the hospital, 3 couples found it fit to have their children delivered by caesarean section today. in fact, one was delivered at an almost unbelieveably well-timed moment:

at a neighbouring private hospital, there are 11 (yes, ELEVEN!!) planned deliveries, & some of these will surely make it to the tabloids tomorrow. something tells me we have missed the point altogether. giving birth is as natural as eating or breathing &, except for medical reasons, should be allowed to take its natural course. after all, the Wise Man did say:
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. eccles 3:11
definitely too much hype! And to plan for your deliveries to coincide with the a date and time... man, that's beyond my comprehension.
the lengths people would go to get what they want!!
i'm just glad all 3 babies born today were normal!
all just abt superstitious..
i also believe so, but try convincing the 14 pairs of parents who decided to have their kids today!
...and 999 upside down is 666, and nobody gave it a thought!
And yet doctors satisfy these nonsenses (the timing of the delivery of babies), just like my newspaper giving space to the mass wedding today.
Yes, He makes everything beautiful in His time!
One nephew of mine registered
on 9.9.2009.
just me
& we all go ga-ga over 090909!!
the docs see it as a job. if they don't do it, some one else will!
Just me,
hope he & his wife will experience matrimonial happiness!
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